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    Can’t Afford a to Hire a Lawyer?


    Get Affordable Legal Assistance

    These are the primary legal services provided through the bar associations and their distinguishing characteristics.

    Legal Access Point

    Legal Access Point (LAP) is a joint project sponsored by the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS), Volunteer Lawyers Network (VLN), and the Hennepin County 4th Judicial District Court. Volunteer attorneys offer 15-20 minutes of brief advice on a walk-in basis at the Self-Help Center of the Hennepin County Government Center (300 S. 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55419) or by phone.  Contact our partners at VLN for more information at 612-752-6677.

    Misdemeanor Defense Project

    The Misdemeanor Defense Project is a public service program designed to provide legal advice and direction to persons appearing in Misdemeanor court.  To speak with a volunteer attorney, you must not be eligible for a Public Defender.  The primary role of MDP attorneys is to ensure that defendants understand their charges, the court process and their legal options; however, you may be given the option to hire the attorney. 

    Call a referral counselor at 612-752-6699 to see if a volunteer attorney is scheduled to be at the courthouse on the day of your initial hearing.

    Reduced Fee Program

    The MN Lawyer Referral Service and Information Service hosts a Reduced Fee Program which provides reduced-cost legal services for clients who have legal issues in Minnesota. To qualify for this program, you must have some form of stable income which lies between 125-250% of the federal poverty guidelines.

    If you think you might qualify, please let us know.  We will conduct a financial screening over the phone.   Call 612-752-6699 and request to be screened for the Reduced Fee Program.

    MN Unbundled

    Unbundled legal services (also known as limited scope legal services) are made to fit your needs and budget. Lawyers in this program will review your legal issue and design a plan that works for you. You can hire an attorney to give you advice, write letters, review court forms, or go to court with you - each with its own upfront cost. Because you decide together what you will do and what the lawyer will do, you hire the lawyer for as much or as little time as needed. This saves you money and makes it possible to only pay for the legal assistance you need.

    Not every legal matter may be a good fit for unbundled. Sometimes, based on their professional opinion, the lawyer will advise that you need a different type of legal help. You are always free to continue working with that lawyer or to find another form of assistance.


    Free Legal Help or Information in My Area

    Visit our partners at Law Help MN to browse through a collection of legal information drafted by attorneys in Minnesota and to find a directory of legal service providers who provide free attorneys, brief services, or legal advice in your area.

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    Not sure if you need an attorney or what type of attorney to request? Request assistance today and a referral counselor will give you the guidance you need to take the next step.

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