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    Misdemeanor Defense Project

    What is The Misdemeanor Defense Project?

    The Misdemeanor Defense Project is a public service program designed to provide legal advice and direction to persons appearing in Misdemeanor court. To speak with a volunteer attorney, you must not be eligible for a Public Defender. The primary role of MDP attorneys is to ensure that defendants understand their charges, the court process and their legal options; however, you may be given the option to hire the attorney.

    Call a referral counselor at (612) 752-6699 to see if a volunteer attorney is scheduled to be at the courthouse on the day of your initial hearing.

    Current MDP Attorneys: Access the MDP Attorney Report. Fill out online form below, or click here to download a PDF form.

    Online MDP Form

    After court appearance please fill in the following information and return this form, with appropriate referral fees, to the address shown above.

    Form should be returned within 14 days of court date.

    Online MDP Form

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    Not sure if you need an attorney or what type of attorney to request? Request assistance today and a referral counselor will give you the guidance you need to take the next step.

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