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    Understanding Anti-Discrimination Laws in Schools
    Feb 11, 2024
    0 minute read

    In today’s diverse and inclusive society, promoting equality and preventing discrimination in educational settings are of the utmost importance.

    Schools have responsibilities beyond simply educating students. They must also maintain an environment where all students can thrive regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion or disability.

    Although people might want to believe modern ideas about equality and decency are enough to protect students, that’s unfortunately not always the case. There are a number of federal and state anti-discrimination laws in place to formalize requirements and ensure every student is treated with dignity.

    Foundations of Anti-Discrimination Laws

    At the federal level, anti-discrimination laws in schools are primarily governed by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal funding. These laws are reinforced by other federal statutes such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

    Understanding Discrimination in an Educational Setting

    When it comes to education, discrimination is not always straightforward and may take various forms.

    • Admissions: Schools are prohibited from discriminating against applicants based on protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion or disability.
    • Educational Programs and Services: Schools must provide equal access to educational opportunities and support services regardless of a student’s protected characteristics.
    • Harassment: Schools have a duty to address and prevent harassment or bullying based on protected characteristics. Although the rules are intended to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, the application and effectiveness of anti-bullying efforts often leave much to be desired.
    • Discipline: School discipline policies must be applied in a fair and non-discriminatory manner. This should ensure that students are not disproportionately targeted based on their race or other protected characteristics.

    Affirmative Action in College Admissions

    While the primary focus of anti-discrimination laws in education is to prevent bias and promote equal opportunities, affirmative action in college admissions was a strategy used by some institutions to promote diversity. Affirmative action involves considering an applicant’s race, ethnicity or other protected characteristics as one factor among many in the admissions process.

    A Supreme Court decision in 2023 struck down the use of race in college admissions, overruling a 2003 decision that held that race could be considered as one factor among many in student admissions. There are many arguments for and against this change, but it hasn’t necessarily removed every mechanism by which schools can regulate the makeup of their student body.

    Other Types of Discrimination in Schools

    Race is far from the only type of discrimination schools must guard against. Issues still arise with gender discrimination, disability discrimination, discrimination pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity and religious discrimination.

    A recent case involving a high school football coach leading prayers with players after games went all the way to the Supreme Court (where they ruled his prayers qualified as private speech and couldn’t be restricted by the school district).

    There was another recent case involving a school denying permission for a disabled student to bring their service animal on campus (which the student eventually won at the Supreme Court).

    There are also many ongoing cases pertaining to the participation of transgender women athletes in women’s sports as well as the ability of students to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

    It’s often up to lawyers to help establish precedent via advocacy for clients and persuading higher court judges. Alternatively, legislators in some states, including Minnesota, are attempting to preempt these issues by drafting legislation to cover discrimination scenarios.

    For example, the Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled that students must be allowed to use the locker room that aligns with their gender identity. The decision upheld the state’s Human Rights Act which extends a variety of protections to transgender students, including the ability to participate in athletics or use bathrooms that align with the student’s gender identity.

    These issues aren’t ever entirely settled, especially given mixed public opinion. Parents who are worried their student is being discriminated against due to school policy or the failure of a school to enforce existing laws should consider contacting a civil rights lawyer.

    Pair with a Skilled Civil Rights Attorney in Minnesota Today

    If you or a loved one has experienced educational discrimination based on factors like race, gender, age, disability, religion or other protected characteristics, our team at Minnesota Lawyer Referral can help you find an experienced civil rights attorney who will help you every step of the way.

    Contact us today at (612) 752-6699 to schedule a consultation.

    By Dana Miner 23 May, 2024
    How to Establish a Business Entity in Minnesota Maybe the most basic and foundational regulation for people who intend to start a business in Minnesota is the formal establishment of their business. The first step is filing the necessary Articles of Organization (for an LLC) or Articles of Incorporation (for a corporation) with the Minnesota Secretary of State. You can find the forms and instructions for establishing an LLC here and the corporate forms here . Those pages also have forms and instructions for modifying established articles as well as changing registered agents or offices. There are also annual renewal requirements in Minnesota, although the process is free for businesses that are active and in good standing. The Minnesota Secretary of State website has forms and instructions for other important tasks, like the statements of dissolution or termination. You’ll also need to register with the IRS to obtain an EIN. You can apply through the IRS website . Minnesota-based businesses are required to register with the Minnesota Department of Revenue as well. Businesses that employ people in the state must register with the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. The agency instructs business owners not to register until they have actually paid covered wages. The registration requirements can vary based on the type of employer. Meeting License Requirements in Minnesota Whether you will be subject to license requirements is dependent on the type of work your business will be performing. Minnesota has established an ELicensing web portal to help current business owners and people thinking of starting a business determine whether they will be subject to licensing requirements and apply. From body art and inflatable amusement equipment to equine teeth floating and pawnbrokers, there is a dizzying array of license requirements in Minnesota, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with the licensing requirements, application process and rules that may be relevant for you. If you have questions – which is common due to the complexity of Minnesota licensing regulations – it may be in your best interest to consult with a business lawyer. The referral counselors at the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service can help you find an experienced and vetted attorney who can assist with any disputes that may arise with the licensing body or hurdles that are standing between you and your business goals. Minnesota Employment Laws One of the ways in which both new and long-time business owners in Minnesota run into legal problems is by inadvertently violating the state’s many employment laws. You can find an index of regulations on the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website . These rules cover a vast range of topics, from child labor in agriculture to the penalties for failure to pay workers in an appropriately timely manner. Most employers will find the statutes to be complex and often convoluted. For example, Minnesota doesn’t have a simple, one-line minimum wage law. Instead, the minimum wage you’re required to pay will vary depending on the size of your business, the age of the worker and whether a worker is considered to be in “training”. If you find yourself confused by Minnesota’s business regulations, or an employee has taken or is threatening legal action for alleged violations of Minnesota employment law, you may benefit from consulting with an experienced Minnesota business lawyer. Minnesota Leave Laws As a state, Minnesota didn’t require employers to offer paid sick leave until the earned sick and safe time law went into effect January 1, 2024. However, some municipalities, including Minneapolis and St. Paul, have long required local employers to offer paid sick leave. Minnesota Workers’ Comp Laws The state does require most employers to provide workers’ comp benefits to workers. Although this can be an additional operating cost, these laws are ultimately a net benefit for employers because workers’ comp limits the employer’s liability for injuries. Specifically, injured workers can be compensated for partial wage replacement, medical costs and vocational benefits but can’t seek pain and suffering and other non-economic damages. Minnesota Safety Regulations Another way in which Minnesota subjects businesses to extra regulatory hurdles and hoops is the state’s approach to workplace safety, which is regulated through the Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MNOSHA) . For example, Minnesota’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements for job-related illnesses and injuries are more stringent than federal guidelines. Employers in some industries are also required by state law to establish “joint labor-management safety committees” . These required committees force owners to meet with workers to discuss improvements they can make beyond what’s federally required by OSHA. There are even unique rules pertaining to workplace ergonomics . The complexity of MNOSHA regulations can make adherence difficult for new business owners and small employers. If you have concerns or are facing complaints from regulators or your workers, it may be in your best interest to consult with a business attorney. Minnesota Data Privacy and Security Minnesota has a few laws specific to data privacy and security, including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Minnesota Plastic Card Security Act, the Minnesota Health Records Act (MHRA) and a data breach notification law. Most businesses that adhere to industry-recommended best practices will likely comply with the Minnesota-specific requirements, but some of the state-specific rules, like the data breach notification requirements, may necessitate extra investments. Minnesota Consumer Protections and Return/Refund Policies Minnesota’s consumer protection statutes are not entirely dissimilar from those present in most states. Most of these are not applicable to every business, but it’s important to be familiar with those that you will be subject to through normal operations. The state’s return and refund policies are also comparable to similar laws in other states, but it is important to be cognizant of the requirements and ensure your business – especially if you use e-commerce – is adhering to the rules. Get Help With Business Disputes in Minnesota Are you starting a business in Minnesota, or are you an employer dealing with regulatory violations, workers’ comp claims or alleged violations of the state’s confusing employment laws? The Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) can connect you with one of more than 200 qualified and vetted private practice attorneys in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area. Our referral counselors excel at identifying business lawyers who have handled cases similar to yours in the past and can set you on the path to a positive resolution. Call us at (612) 752-6699 to get started .
    By Dana Miner 13 May, 2024
    Personal property is a broad term from a legal standpoint. It covers everything from real estate, cars and collectibles to pets, livestock and intangible assets like stocks and bonds. Even savings accounts, checking accounts and other financial accounts are considered personal property. As such, ownership rights are hugely important for every individual, as is the process of settling ownership disputes if they do arise. How Property Disputes Are Resolved in Minnesota There are several common property dispute resolution mechanisms available to Minnesotans who find themselves embroiled in disagreements and legal actions pertaining to the ownership of property. Some of these processes are considered alternative dispute resolution (ADR), which are specifically alternatives to more resource-intensive and lengthy tort litigation. The most informal resolution mechanism is direct negotiations with the other party. These can occur between individuals, their legal representatives and any other relevant parties. The informality of the process is a major perk. Litigation and even the other formalized ADR processes like mediation and arbitration operate according to standardized processes that are time-consuming and potentially expensive. Many people prefer a resolution that can be reached without a large investment of time and resources. Mediation in Minnesota If negotiations aren’t effective or a more formalized process is needed, people in property disputes may benefit from the involvement of a neutral third party to facilitate a resolution. Mediation can be a voluntary process, but parties might also be ordered by the court to participate in mediation prior to a trial. Even when mediation is court-ordered, acceptance of a mediator’s resolution is still voluntary. Neither party can be forced to agree to the proposed outcome. It’s also important to recognize that the mediator is not a judge and cannot make decisions for either party. They are simply there to use mediation techniques to facilitate a productive dialogue between the parties and, ideally, reach a consensus. Benefits of Mediation The collaborative approach is less adversarial and may allow for the preservation of relationships between parties It’s typically less expensive than arbitration or litigation Scheduling mediation is more flexible than trials Mediation sessions are confidential Arbitration in Minnesota Arbitration is more like a trial, except with an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators instead of a judge. It’s still less formal than an actual court trial and litigation but functions similarly to a trial. This also means the process is typically more expensive than mediation, with parties often being represented by attorneys during arbitration proceedings. Parties can choose for the process to be binding or non-binding. The parties will be legally held to a binding determination by arbitrators, but enforcement of the decision may require going to an actual courtroom if one of the parties refuses to comply. In other words, although arbitration can be binding, it’s often considered less binding than the results of litigation. Benefits of Arbitration Scheduling isn’t quite as flexible as mediation but is still more flexible than a formal court trial and litigation Although more expensive than mediation, arbitration usually costs less than pursuing litigation The arbitration process usually takes less time than formal court proceedings Binding or non-binding decisions made by independent arbitrators may be preferable in scenarios where parties are unable to reach a consensus during negotiations or mediation Can be useful if the input of an expert is necessary to guide decision-making on property disputes Terms in Property Disputes Replevin: This is the formal process of returning seized goods to the owner pending the outcome of a property dispute. For example, a couple may have jointly purchased a car with both their names on the title. The couple breaks up, with one party refusing to grant the other access to the car. The party without the car could file a replevin action to regain possession. Replevin is a short-term solution, and further legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution are necessary to establish clear ownership. Conversion: This is an unauthorized act that deprives the rightful owner of the property without their consent. For example, if someone borrowed their friend’s camera or computer, then went to a pawnshop and sold it without the friend’s permission. The friend can seek relief through informal negotiations, mediation or small claims court, but full-blown litigation for low-value conversion is uncommon. Detinue: This is a formal demand for the return of wrongfully held property or monetary compensation for the property. Detinue actions are formal legal proceedings in which the joint owner or owner of the property is demanding the return of the property or a formal assessment of damages – often the value of the property being withheld. Resolutions may be the return of the property, payment of the property value or the appropriate portion of value for jointly held property. Do You Need Legal Representation for a Property Dispute in Minnesota? Property disputes can be difficult because the sometimes low value of disputed property doesn’t justify a full court trial. Pursuing alternative dispute resolutions or negotiation may be the preferable path for many people. Even if you do plan on using arbitration or mediation, having your interests represented by an attorney experienced with these processes can be beneficial. The referral counselors at the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) can help you find a private practice attorney with the necessary experience and skills. Call us at (612) 752-6699 to get started .
    By Dana Miner 10 May, 2024
    Employment laws in Minnesota can, in some circumstances, be more complex than the employment laws in other states or federal employment laws. Minnesota has its own more stringent versions of some federal acts as well as some additional employer obligations. Is Minnesota an At-Will Employment State? Yes. At-will employment means either the employee or the employer can terminate the employment arrangement at any time, without notice or cause, as long as the termination is legal. Illegal terminations in at-will employment states like Minnesota include: Termination due to an employee’s membership in a protected class as defined by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act , the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) According to federal law, most protected characteristics include race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and age Minnesota adds additional protected characteristics in the Minnesota Human Rights Act, including marital status, familial status, public assistance status, sexual orientation and gender identity Although recent interpretation of federal civil rights law includes sexual orientation and gender identity, Minnesota’s human rights law formally adds these characteristics to the protected list. Retaliatory Termination A number of federal laws , including the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act, prohibit retaliatory termination for protected activities. Minnesota’s human rights law specifically prohibits termination for: Participating in an investigation, proceeding or hearing under the Minnesota Human Rights Act Reporting illegal activities of their employers Contract Violation Terminations Some contracts may stipulate specific employee actions that will result in termination. Dismissing an employee when those defined conditions aren’t met may constitute a breach of contract, allowing the employee to pursue legal actions against their employer. This is covered under both federal and Minnesota law. This may extend to implied conditions that are found in employee handbooks or company policy, even if they are not explicitly stipulated in the employment contract. Termination for Legally Protected Leave Although the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) does extend protection for a variety of family-related leave types, Minnesota does have its own laws pertaining to parental leave and sick leave beyond FMLA, such as the Pregnancy and Parenting Leave Act (PPLA) . Minnesota also has an additional Paid Leave Law that will go into effect on January 1, 2026. This will entitle employees to paid time off if they need to care for a family member, new child or for specific personal safety issues or military-related events/duties. Meeting Final Paycheck Requirements Minnesota does have strict requirements for issuing the final paycheck for terminated workers and those who quit. You can read more about it in one of our past blogs on the topic . Minnesota state law imposes different rules for terminated workers and workers who quit, granting employers more leeway if the employee terminated their own employment. Minnesota Laws for Terminations and Layoffs Large-scale layoffs, such as those that occur if an employer closes an entire facility, are governed by the Minnesota Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act. This law requires employers with more than 100 full-time employees to provide advance notice of closures to workers and relevant parties. Smaller employers are not bound by the law. You can learn more about the requirements here . Hours and Wage Laws Minnesota does have strict requirements for what does and does not constitute a full-time employee as well as statutes pertaining to break times. State statutes are based on workweek calculations (seven consecutive 24-hour periods). The statute only requires overtime pay – one and a half times the worker’s regular rate – if they work more than 48 hours within a single workweek. State laws also require sufficient meal breaks and bathroom breaks , as well as rules allowing nursing mothers to express milk without having their compensation reduced for the time. Employee Handbooks and Policies If you’re an employer in Minnesota, it’s often a good idea to develop and distribute a comprehensive employee handbook that outlines your workplace’s policies and procedures, including acknowledgement of legally required anti-discrimination and harassment policies, as well as procedures for filing formal complaints. Handbooks should also strictly define the various leave and break policies. Although many businesses offer more generous policies than those required by state or federal law, clearly defining the limitations is a good way to protect your business from legal action and prevent employee abuse of your policies. Should You Consult With a Minnesota Business or Employment Lawyer on Your Company’s Policies? Although there are many boilerplate employee handbooks available, standard policies and procedures don’t necessarily work for every type of business or workplace. Working with an employment or business law attorney can be helpful for many entrepreneurs, new business owners and long-time business owners who want to write or modify company policies. If an employee (or past employee) does pursue legal action against your business, the referral counselors at the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) can help you find a local Minneapolis–St. Paul attorney who can assist. Our network includes more than 200 local private practice attorneys in a diverse array of focuses, including business and employment law. Call us at (612) 752-6699 to get started.
    By Dana Miner 24 Apr, 2024
    A health insurance exchange is a digital marketplace that allows people to browse and compare a variety of affordable healthcare insurance options before buying, all in one place. Having broad, cost-effective healthcare is vital for individuals and families, as it’s the most reliable way to avoid suffering the potentially devastating financial consequences of excessive medical debt. Established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a way to make healthcare more accessible, health insurance exchange sites are designed to help people compare and choose their ideal insurance plan that suits their needs. Minnesota operates its own healthcare exchange – MNSure . Users can evaluate different health insurance policy coverage, premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket costs and provider networks side-by-side and find their preferred plan. Features of MNSure MNSure is more than a platform where you can shop around for flexible healthcare plans – it also provides Minnesota residents with an avenue to apply for different types of financial aid to help cover the cost of premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, all in one application. Qualifying users can apply for state-run health insurance programs that cater to residents who don’t make enough to afford the standard plans. For example, Medical Assistance is a no-cost insurance program for low-income applicants, while MinnesotaCare offers the same benefits for slightly higher-earning individuals. You can also apply for cost-sharing reductions, which limit the amount you have to pay on deductibles and copayments when you visit the doctor or have to go to the hospital. For long-term deductions, you can also apply for tax credits to reduce the amount you pay on monthly premiums. Your eligibility will be based on your income and family size in comparison to MNSure’s benchmark insurance plans. These tax credits are intended to lower the percentage of household income that individuals and families are expected to contribute towards health insurance premiums, with the tax credit covering the rest of the cost. At the end of the tax year, however, those who are eligible for advanced premium tax credits must reconcile the amount they received with the actual amount they were eligible for based on their final income for the year. Residents typically can only enroll in MNSure during the open enrollment period , but special enrollment periods may be available due to life events such as marriage, childbirth or if you suddenly lose your previous health coverage. What Are Your Rights Under the Affordable Care Act? Aside from creating digital healthcare marketplaces, the Affordable Care Act has also made it illegal for an insurance provider to deny coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions , nor can they charge them higher premiums or impose annual or lifetime dollar limits on essential health benefits. As a result, users don’t have to worry about possible restrictions or a time limit on life-saving coverage. The Affordable Care Act has also ensured that Minnesotans have the right to appeal decisions made by their health insurance company, such as denials of coverage or claims. That said, disputes pertaining to benefits and whether certain claims or treatments should be covered still arise for policyholders. If you need qualified legal representation to help you pursue a bad faith claim against your insurance provider or assist in disputes with healthcare providers, the team at the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service will connect you to an experienced private practice attorney who has experience advocating for individuals in situations like yours. Find Aggressive and Attentive Legal Assistance Easily in Minnesota At Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS), we have a widespread network of reputable private practice attorneys who boast exceptional credentials and experience with state and federal healthcare laws. Our referral counselors will schedule appointments with a competent legal advisor for you. Feel free to call us at (612) 752-6699 to learn more about how we can assist.
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